Weewah helps Mid to Large sized B2B entities to severely reduce their consumer churn rates.

Weewah is the UK’s first wholesale tech breakdown cover plan which provides our partners customers, with fire rapid support against their home tech failing them when they need it most.

Our partners can operate in a more confident manner knowing that their customers will have access to a ‘value add’ service as part of their overall value proposition, which would result in a yield of more ‘sticky’ relationships.

This could lead to their most ‘at risk of churning’ end users, being less likely to severe ties, with a simultaneous increase in attraction to their brand, due to their increased perception of ‘juicy’ benefits.

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Weewah is the UK’s first wholesale tech breakdown cover plan which provides rapid support against your home tech failing you when you need it most!

So now, you can feel confident knowing that there is always someone there for you that is ready to talk and assist you when your Laptop starts playing up and you have an urgent task to take care of!

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Our Address

Weewah, Ltd, 160 Kemp House, City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

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Our Numbers

+90 212 123 45 67
+90 987 654 32 10

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Weewah Company 2021. All Rights Reserved